Sunday, November 28, 2010

Never to late for change

I have always thought that it is never too late for change. And in my case 2011 is going to have a lot of change. But I am already starting on that change a little by asking to be called by my middle name of Elizabeth. I am almost twenty-one and am just now deciding to go by my middle name. I have always had a liking for it better then my first name. I never really changed it before because I was scared of making my family or more less my parents mad. But I got the blessing from my dad who was the one who named me, to change it and I will soon be legally changing my name to Elizabeth. But for now everyone new I meet I am introducing myself as Elizabeth. Thought for my family it will probably take some time for them to start calling me Elizabeth. But I do hope they will eventually start using Elizabeth.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving has come and past again. It is funny how time flies now days. Here is a list of some things I am thankful for.

1. My sister who is handicap. She has taught me to not be so selfish at times.
2. My mom and dad. Even though they are split up.
3. Living at my grandma's house. Even if there is drama I still have a roof over my head.
4. Getting to go to Tulsa in September. It made the fact that we are moving during the first few months of next year seem more real.
5. The friends I have made thus far.
6. The trials God has put me through. They made me stronger in the end.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm still alive

It has been a few months since I updated and I wanted to make a post saying I am still alive. My birthday is soon and I will be golly I feel kinda old. I mean really old even if I am not that old. I can remember being a kid still and wishing I was an adult and now I am an adult wishing I was a kid again. Funny how things change when you get older. A lot of things have been happening that I will get into in later posts. Just need to figure out how to explain everything.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Long time no see

I haven't updated in a long time and during that time a lot of major changes have happened. My parents have separated and me and my mom are now living with my grandpa and step-grandfather thirty minutes away from our old place.

I finished school and will graduate in June. YAY me. I plan on going to college in Oklahoma. Preferably Tulsa Community College then transferring to a University. I was gonna do it this fall but decided to wait until spring of next year which really isn't that far away seeing as how spring semesters start in January.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quote of the day

In the end, you'll know which people really love you. They're the ones who see you for who you are and, no matter what, always find a way to be at your side.
Randy K. Milholland

Such a true quote. By now at almost twenty I can say I have found some of the people who really love me. They are the ones who are there when I am at my worst and when most other people would up and run.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Quote of the day

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison

I find that quote so lovely and so true. Most people do seem to miss opportinties because it requires work and most people now day's don't seem to want to put in the effort to do that work. But maybe that is just my thinking.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Quote of the day

So I figured I'd start being more active and what better way of doing that then with a quote of the day. Here is my first one. I don't have kids yet but I don't know something about this quote touched me because I feel like I am supposed to have a big family of kids somehow.

"Somebody who thinks there is not enough love for five children, hasn't had a fifth child."